Traffic safety in the municipality, report

What is it?

To improve road safety in urban areas there are 30km/h zones established. Speed bumps, road narrowing, and narrow lanes need to slow down traffic. This mainly concerns residential areas, shopping areas, schools and other places where there are many pedestrians, cyclists and children.

Report unsafe traffic situations to the municipality. In addition to the 30km/h zones, there are also 60km/h zones. These zones are also established to improve road safety. 60km/h zones are always outside urban areas, but are often also under control of the municipality. In 60km/h zones there are also speed bumps, road narrowing and smaller lanes to slow down traffic.

What should I do?

If there is an unsafe traffic situation, you can report this to the municipality. Please include the following information:

  • The precise location
  • The reason for your report

If you think that the municipality should assign your street or neighbourhood as a 30km/h zone, it is better to place this request with your neighbours together. Besides the municipality, there are also other road managers within the boundaries of the municipality, such as Rijkwaterstaat and the province. Measures to slow down traffic are carried out by these road managers. If you are not sure who is the road manager, you can ask the municipality.

The municipality often receives the request to place repeat signs within a 30km/h zone, but the municipality is reluctant to place these repeat signs. Each situation will be reviewed to see whether a repeat sign or a warning sign will improve the traffic safety.

How long does it take?

It is not always possible to answer you within a few days, however you will always receive feedback from the municipality.

Arrange it online

The municipality Wassenaar works with DigiD. For more information on DigiD


Stands for Digital Identity and is being used to arrange something with a (semi) governmental organization on the Internet. Anyone who has a citizen service number (BSN number) and is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) can apply for a DigiD.

If this is not the case for you, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Wassenaar.

The municipality Wassenaar works with eIDAS. For more information on eIDAS.


(Electronic Identification Authentication and trust Services) is a method conducted by the European Union (EU) to make cross-border usage of the national digital identity method possible. Logging in, at the moment, can only be done with the national digital identity methods from the following member states of the EU: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg and Spain.

If you are not from one of these countries, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Wassenaar.

WS-2095-10 Traffic report without identification

DigiDWS-2095-11 Traffic report with DigiD

WS-2095-12 Traffic report with eID (eIDAS)

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