Extract Basic Registration of persons

An extract from the Municipal Personal Records Database (in Dutch: Basis Registratie Personen – BRP) is an official statement proving that you are registered as a resident of the municipality. The extract contains the following information:

  • Name;
  • Address;
  • Residence;
  • Date of birth.

Request the extract at the municipality where you are registered.

What do I need?

Digital request

  • Your DigiD or eIDAS credentials
  • Your credentials for online banking

Personal request

  • Your valid identification
  • Cash or a debit card

Authorize someone else

The person being authorized should bring:

  • A written letter of consent provided with your signature
  • A copy of your valid identification
  • Their own valid identification

How long does it take?

  • If the extract is requested at the municipality, you will receive it right away.
  • If you requested the extract digitally you receive the extract by mail within three working days.

Extra information

To make sure you receive the extract with the complete information, declare to the municipality the reason wherefore the extract is needed.

If you need the extract for a foreign authority, it is possible to receive this in multiple languages.

What are the costs?


Costs extract: €16,35 (exclusive when you arrange it online €12,40)

Costs of an international extract: €16,35

Arrange it online

The municipality Wassenaar works with DigiD. For more information on DigiD


Stands for Digital Identity and is being used to arrange something with a (semi) governmental organization on the Internet. Anyone who has a citizen service number (BSN number) and is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) can apply for a DigiD.

If this is not the case for you, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Wassenaar.

The municipality Wassenaar works with eIDAS. For more information on eIDAS.


(Electronic Identification Authentication and trust Services) is a method conducted by the European Union (EU) to make cross-border usage of the national digital identity method possible. Logging in, at the moment, can only be done with the national digital identity methods from the following member states of the EU: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg and Spain.

If you are not from one of these countries, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Wassenaar.

DigiDRequest extract (BRP) with DigiD

eIDASRequest extract (BRP) with eID (eIDAS)

Make an appointment?

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