Disabled person’s parking card

What is it?

  • With a disabled person’s parking card you can park at disabled parking spaces in all EU-member states, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland and Switzerland.
  • It is important to remember that you must keep to the motoring laws and restrictions on parking in the different countries.
  • A medical authority will examine your disability. The municipality will decide which medical authority will provide this examination.

There are three types of cards:

A driver’s card

  • For at least a period of 6 months, you are unable to walk further than 100 meters on your own. Even with the help of crutches or a walking stick.
  • You are able to drive.

A passenger’s card

  • For at least a period of 6 months, you are unable to walk further than 100 meters on your own. Even with the help of crutches or a walking stick.
  • You are unable to drive on your own. You are dependent of the help of a passenger.

An institution card

  • An institution that takes care of a healthcare facility, can obtain a card for the residents of the facility.

How does it work?

  • The parking card is registered on the name of one person.
  • The parking card is not registered on a license plate. You can therefore use the card in several cars.
  • The parking card is valid for a maximum of 5 years.
  • It is also possible to request a card that is both a driver’s and a passenger’s card. For example if you are permanently in a wheelchair.

How long does it take?

Depending on the medical examination, it can take up to 6 to 12 weeks.

What are the costs?


• Renewing of the card without medical advice €38,80

 • Granting a duplicate €29,90 Important! You also pay the costs if you are denied the card.

Legesverordening Wassenaar

Arrange it online

The municipality Wassenaar works with DigiD. For more information on DigiD

DigiD stands for Digital Identity and is being used to arrange something with a (semi) governmental organization on the Internet. Anyone who has a citizen service number (BSN number) and is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) can apply for a DigiD.

If this is not the case for you, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Wassenaar.

The municipality Wassenaar works with eIDAS. For more information on eIDAS.

eIDAS (Electronic Identification Authentication and trust Services) is a method conducted by the European Union (EU) to make cross-border usage of the national digital identity method possible. Logging in, at the moment, can only be done with the national digital identity methods from the following member states of the EU: Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Italy, Croatia, Luxembourg and Spain.

If you are not from one of these countries, we kindly request you to make an appointment or Contact the municipality | Wassenaar.

DigiDWS-2055-11 Disabled person's parking card with DigiD

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