Attestation de vita
What is it?
An Attestation de vita is an international proof that shows that you are alive. You might need this proof for your foreign life insurance or for your pension fund. You can request the attestation de vita at the municipality.
- If you need a proof of life for in The Netherlands, then you can request a ‘proof of life’ (‘Bewijs van in leven zijn’) at the municipality.
What do I need to bring with me?
- A valid form of identification
- If you need the attestation de vita for you pension fund, then you should bring the original letter of the pension fund with you.
How long does it take?
You will receive the document immediately at the municipality.
What should I do?
You must personally request an attestation de vita at the municipality.
What are the costs?
€ 16,60
This document is free of charge when the attestation de vita is needed for a pension fund and this can be demonstrated by a letter.