Certificate of good conduct

What is it?

  • A VOG shows that your past behavior does not pose any risk for you being able to take a particular job or position within a company.
  • Some professions require you to provide a Certificate of Good Conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag - VOG). This includes jobs in education or childcare, or working as a taxi driver. You may also need a VOG to emigrate or when applying for a visa.

How does it work?

Some professions require you to provide a Certificate of Conduct (Verklaring omtrent het gedrag - VOG). This includes jobs in education childcare or volunteering, or working as a taxi driver. You may also need a VOG to emigrate or when applying for a visa.

Things to remember

  • If you do not have a criminal record, you will always get a VOG.
  • You are the only person who will be notified whether or not the VOG will be issued. An employer will not have access to any criminal records.
  • It could happen that you are not able to get a VOG for one job or internship, but you are able to get it for a different one.
  • You need to apply for a VOG in the municipality where you live.

Two versions

There are two different versions: a VOG for natural persons and a VOG for legal persons. As an individual employee, you will need a VOG for natural persons.

What do I need?

  • The completed and signed application form.
  • All documents that you must enclose according to the application.
  • A valid identification (or a copy of it when you are submitting a request for certificate of good conduct for legal entities).

What should I do?

Apply for certificate of good conduct on several ways.

Apply for a certificate of good conduct at the municipality

You can download the application form from the website of  Justis. Sometimes you might receive the form from your future employer. There is also a form in English available.Fill in the details and provide it with your signature. 

  • Submit the form in person at the municipality. The payment will be done directly.
  • You will receive a written notification if you are granted the certificate of good conduct.

Apply for a certificate of good conduct online

An organization or future employer can prepare a request to apply for a certificate of good conduct online. However this is only possible when you have access to DigiD. After that you will need to do the following:

  • You will receive an email with a link to a web application.
  • You log in with your DigiD credentials.
  • After you have filled in your information, you will pay via iDEAL.
  • You will receive a written notification wehter you will recieve the certificate of good conduct.

Authorise someone to request the certificate of good conduct

It is possible to let someone else request the certificate of good conduct for you. Therefore the person will need the following documents:

  • The completed form with all the requested documents
  • An authorization letter
  • Copy of your identification
  • The identification of the person that is authorized

How long does it take?

  • Certificate of good conduct for individuals: you will receive a written notification within 4 weeks of receiving your application.
  • Certificate of good conduct for legal entities: you will receive a written notification within 8 weeks of receiving your application.

Extra information

Rejection of certificate of good conduct

If you do not qualify for a certificate of good conduct Justis will send an “intention to reject”. This statement will explain why your request is rejected. You can respond to this through sending a letter explaining why you should be granted a certificate of good conduct. If you receive a final rejection after this letter, you can object within 6 weeks of the final decision.

Emigration, visa or foreign work permit

If you are emigrating or applying for a visa or foreign work permit, make sure that you possess an official document of the embassy, consulate or employer that contains all the information that is asked for on the application form for a certificate of good conduct.

What are the costs?



Free certificate of good conduct for volunteers

As of the January 1, 2015 a large group of volunteers can apply for a free certificate of good conduct. In addition to volunteers working with children, volunteers that work with people with mental disabilities can apply as well for a free certificate of good conduct. In order to get a certificate for free, the certificate must the requested digitally at Justis. More information on this can be found on the website of Justis (in Dutch), the screening authority of the government.

Arrange it online


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